In addition to her speaking and styling work, Deb is an entrepreuner and runs two businesses.
Like all mums, Debora found herself busy juggling work, three children, various sports & school activities, a busy social calendar and a myriad of shopping lists and notes. Debora was convinced there was an easier and environmentally friendlier way and so, in 2011, the Weekly Planner was born. Australian-made and ethically produced.

Justice Denim, is a brand taking a stand against exploitation by creating ethically-designed, hand-crafted jeans with a conscience.
A conscience because each piece of denim celebrates the traditional craft of denim- making.
A conscience because each piece of denim is ethically accredited and sustainably made on home soil in Australia.
A conscience because each piece of denim will fund four weeks of life-changing education for a young girl who has been rescued from child slavery.